Morpheus Unbound  |  Supporting Cast  |  Shadowrun


A character for SR3.  The King of Hearts for the House of Cards.


Rumors say that Wildeblood was born in the 20th century and it was then that he met Harley and T.  They founded the House of Cards.  Wildeblood did many things over the next few decades, but he always cultivated his personal relationships and had many friends all over the world.  He travelled frequently and smuggled just about every illicit item known.  His favorite stomping grounds are in Europe.

Campaign Role

He is the King of Hearts and leader of the House of Cards.


He follows the Wolf totem.  He is generally friendly and gregarious around others, but often shows a deep, brooding side when alone.


He is a charismatic leader and has extraordinary physical powers including toughness and nearly instant regeneration.

Battle Tactics

He prefers to avoid conflict, but he's been known to get in a standing pistol blasting fight when in a hurry.

Adventure Seed

Wildeblood might hire the PCs for a job.  Depending on the job, he might tag along.


Attributes:  Body 6/10, Quickness 5, Strength 5, Charisma 6, Intelligence 6, Willpower 6, Essence 6, Body Index 0.00, Magic 6, Reaction 5 (9), Initiative  9 + 3d6

Skills: Pistols 7, Edged Weapons 4, Clubs 4, Unarmed Combat 5, Etiquette 8, Submachine Guns 3, Rifles 3, Stealth 4 (6), Athletics 4 (6), Negotiation 7, Electronics 2, Car 4, Bike 3, Rotor 2, Computer 2, Leadership 5, Interrogation 4, Aura Reading 3

Knowledge Skills:  Psychology 6, English 6, English (R/W) 3, Spanish 6, Spanish (R/W) 3, Arms Dealers 5, Gang Identification 4, Smuggler Havens 4, Anthropology 3, North American History 5, Magic Background 5, Seattle Ork Underground 3, Trivia 6, City Speak 6, Japanese 4, Japanese (R/W) 2, Seattle Hotspots 4

Cyberware: None 

Edges and Flaws:  Ambidexterity, Friends Abroad, Friends in High Places, College Education, At Ease, Toughness

Powers:  Astral Perception, Body Control +2, Improved Ability (Athletics +2), Improved Ability (Stealth +2), Improved Reflexes +2, Killing Hands (Moderate), Toughness +3, Regeneration

Equipment:  Colt Manhunter with integral laser sight and customized grip (+1d Pistols skill), Lined Coat, lots of expensive and fashionable clothes

Contacts: lots

Copyright © 1992-1998 Patric L. Rogers.  All rights reserved.  Copyright © 1999 by Morpheus Unbound.  All rights reserved.
Last updated 25 May 1999 by Patric L. Rogers.
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