Morpheus Unbound  |  House Rules

While it is testament to V&V's "four-color" comic book flavor that it lacks rules for conventional body armor, it is also very frustrating.

Conventional Body Armor:  Conventional body armor is the type worn by police, security guards, and sometimes military personnel.  It is commercially available, but typically very expensive.  Unlike the "super-armors" worn by CHESS or Intercrime, this armor is often heavy, restricts movement and takes a lot of time to put on or take off.

If your gaming group interprets the rules to apply Accuracy benefits before consulting the Combat Table (which can negate the Accuracy modifier completely) then the above Accuracy penalty should be treated as a Damage Modifier penalty instead.

Copyright © 1999, 2011 by Patric L. Rogers.  All rights reserved.
Last updated by Patric L. Rogers.
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