Morpheus Unbound  |  Villains & Vigilantes
Hero System

Daylight Diamond Heist

Who?: Mace (from Crisis at Crusader Citiel) and Crossfire (from Most Wanted Volume III). Adapted from a 1986 short adventure by Patric L. Rogers.

What?: Mace and Crossfire decide to rob an armored car. They learned the secret route plan and arranged an ambush. The truck is transporting $3 million in cash and $15 million in diamonds. They are after the diamonds.

The truck's scheduled route is moving through a major metro area at rush hour.  The route is supposed to be secret, but that never works.  In order to snarl traffic, they blow the tire on a big rig which happens to be transporting Komodo dragons (an unexpected benefit). The armored truck is trapped in traffic. Crossfire hits the armored car with an EMP area attack to blow their radio and security, then blows the tires.  Mace smashes the truck open and the guards never stand a chance. The villains scatter the cash as a distraction and use hidden off-road motorcycles to escape.

Five miles away, they duck under a railroad bridge, quickly disguise themselves as a happy couple vacationing in their minivan and move on.

Copyright © 2000, 2001 by Morpheus Unbound. All rights reserved.
last updated 10 September 2001 by Patric L. Rogers.
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