Countdown to Chaos

cover art for Countdown to ChaosTitle:  Fantastic Four Countdown to Chaos
Author(s):  Pierce Askegren
Publisher:  Berkeley Boulevard
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The Fantastic Four are probably some of the oldest and most well recognized heroes in comics.  In Countdown to Chaos Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch and the Thing must confront two of their oldest enemies:  The Thinker and the Red Ghost.

The Thinker, mad genius he is, has been pushing his studies in psychohistory for the past decade and a number of his plans are beginning to bear fruit.  He has secretly replaced one thousand people with duplicate clones under his control.  By doing this, a number of small events can be influenced and the gestalt of small events is far greater than the sum of it's parts.  As always happens to the Thinker however, unexpected superhuman events arise and disrupt his plans.

This book is fun to read.  The story is interesting, and the characters are well-developed.  The plot has a  number of subtle twists and turns that an astute reader may manage to spot just a few pages ahead of time.

Another aspect of this book I enjoyed is that three of the characters (Mr. Fantastic, Thinker, Red Ghost) are incredibly intelligent.  While this may have required more of Mr. Askegren, it provides an opportunity to immerse the reader in real and logical scientific and pseudo-scientific discussion not found in most fiction.

As I understand, the Fantastic Four were created by Stan Lee and Marvel Comics in the 1960's.  They introduced elements of the fantastic -- aliens, superscience, star-spanning adventures, etc.

By using the FF's oldest foes, this story can review and summarize a lot of that rich history. logo

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