The King and I

This 1999 animated film produced and distributed by Warner-Brothers receives a Must Avoid rating from me.

The direction and script are so bad that not even human children will really enjoy this movie.  Usually the animation is pretty good, but do watch for the "mysteriously disappearing-reappearing" items throughout the movie.

Any adults who innocently rent this movie expecting something of quality like Mulan or Alladin will need the handy drinking game provided below to actually survive the experience.

This drinking game is pretty standard.  Each participant collects the alcoholic beverage of his or her choice, and during the movie, each participant takes one swallow of beverage each time one of these events occurs:

  • there is a reference to something which could only exist in the last two decades of the 20th century (and thus does not belong in the movie),
  • someone says "etcetera",
  • someone repeats the same word or phrase several times in rapid sucession, for example "What? What? What?"
  • Master Little loses a tooth,
  • someone sings,
  • any character except the King speaks in an incomplete sentence,
  • the King speaks in a complete sentence,
  • the panther demonstrates his prehensile tail,
  • Anna's house outside the palace comes up in conversation,
  • the King reminds Anna to put her head lower than his,
  • someone mentions how modern and scientific the King is.

Participants should finish the drink they are holding when any of the following events occurs:

  • An article of clothing mysteriously vanishes then reappears (the person who catches this event may skip the drink as his or her award for spotting the event).

If you think of any others, let me know ( logo

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