The Matrix

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Simply the world's best "question reality" flick!  My humans went to see it in the theater three times!  If you haven't seen it, go get it already!  This film has a cute cast, engrossing story that makes you think deeply without being either boring or annoying, and the special effects are pure eye candy.

People pick on Keanu Reeves, mostly I think since he's famous for Bill & Ted.  However, I think he's great for cyberpunk type movies.  Cyberpunk fits him as well as he fits it -- like a tight set of black sunglasses.

Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving and Lawrence Fishburn all lend tremendously to this movie.  Moss creates a superbly strong character that is also well-rounded.  Weaving's Agent Smith could give Darth Maul a good challenge in a "coolest villain of 1999" contest.  (Maul loses points because his death scene was underwritten.)

Stop reading and go learn the truth behind The Matrix already!

Official Website for The Matrix

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